WeWorld in Brazil

WeWorld has been working in Brazil since 2008, focusing on the areas of education, gender rights and equality, socio-economic development, and health. 

We have established strong relationships with 28 municipalities in the region of the Sertões Cearenses, as well as the Grande Fortaleza, the Central-southern regions, and Cariri.  

A core part of our work is defending the rights of women and children, and preventing domestic and family violence. WeWorld is helping to build the capacity of local organizations working in these areas, while also educating the wider community. All WeWorld initiatives encourage the active participation of the community in decision-making processes relating to the education and the rights of women, children, and adolescents.

WeWorld's education programs include partnering with municipal schools to address and prevent violence, particularly abuse aimed at girls and young women. This includes giving teachers and educators skills in conflict mediation.